Saint Simon Parish School

Resurrection Catholic School

Saint Joseph of Cupertino School

Most Holy Trinity School

Diocese of San Jose

Holy Spirit Parish

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish

St. Justin Catholic School

Our Lady of Soledad

El Señor de la Misericordia

Saint Joan of Arc

St. John The Evangelist

Immaculate Conception Stem Academy

St. Andrew Newman Center

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission

Archdioceses of Los Angeles

St. Anthony School – San Gabriel

San Gabriel Mission High School

St. Christopher Catholic Church

Our Lady of The Snows

San Secondo d’Asti Roman Catholic Church

Our Lady of Guadalupe

St. John the Baptist School​

Cristo Rey Jesuit Seattle High School

Saint Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church

St. John Paul II High School

St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School

Archdiocese of Denver

St. Peter Catholic High School

Diocese of Lake Charles

St. Genevieve Catholic School

Big Shoulders Fund

St. Nicholas of Tolentine School

St. Francis De Sales High School

Northridge Preparatory School

St. Philip Neri School

Visitation Catholic School

St. Thomas More Academy

Saint Joseph Montessori School

Lansing Catholic High School

Archdiocese of Detroit

Mission Grammar School

Boston’s Basilica Our Lady Of Perpetual Help

The GIVEN Institute

Sts. Simon and Jude Cathedral

St. Mary’s Catholic Parish

The GIVEN Institute

School of Sacred Music

Martin Saints Classical High School

The Evangelical Catholic

Diocese of Madison

St. Anthony Catholic Church

Our Lady of Sorrows

St. Francis Xavier

Sts. Simon and Jude Cathedral

St. Pius X Parish and School

St. Paul Catholic Church

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Harmel Academy of the Trades

Everest Collegiate High School & Academy

Midtown-Metro Achievement Centers

The Culture Project

Sacred Hearth Nativity Schools

Notre Dame Parish & School

Our Lady of the Lake

Gesu Catholic Church & School

The Culture Project

Gesu Catholic Church & School

Midtown-Metro Advancement

Catholic Campus Ministry Association

Michigan Catholic Conference

Assumption Catholic Church

St. Bridget Church

Community Pregnancy Clinics

St. John Bosco

St. Scholastica Parish

Catholic Schools Support Network

Community Pregnancy Clinics

Community Pregnancy Clinics

St. Gabriel Parish & School

Community Pregnancy Clinics

St. Scholastica Parish

St. Ann School

St. Joseph

Saint Cecilia

All Saints Catholic Church & School

St Peter Catholic Parish

St. John Catholic Church

St. Bernard Catholic Church

St. James

Holy Family

Our Lady of the Lake

Holy Mother of Consolation Catholic Church

St Martin Catholic Church

St Augustine’s Church

Marian High School