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New Year Tuition Set Up
JanuaryFinalize tuition rates for the new school year and send to STJFS.   Finalize any discounts (registered Catholic, multi student, employee, etc.)   Determine if you are charging a registration fee or down payment for the next school year tuition. How much? When will it be due?   Fill out the New School Year Form sent to you by STJFS to answer the above questions.

Send New School Year Form to all schools to collect registration, Grant and Aid information and tuition rate sheets.   Create templates to assist schools in roster clean up process.
FebruaryClean up student rosters for new school year. STJFS will send a roster template from FACTS for you to fill out.   Bill registration fee/down payment etc. Open grant and aid application for families.Assist schools in roster clean-up process. Send schools roster template.   Roll over schools to new school year.   Bill registration fee/down payments.  
MarchCommunicate with families to apply and become fully verified for Grant & Aid. Review the report that STJFS set up in G&A custom reports-Grant & Aid Family Tuition Contribution.  Update Rate Tables for the new school year. (Advanced Rate tables for tuition, Simple Rate tables for Grant & Aid).  
AprilMake all fundraising allocations for grant and aid, ensure budget is reflected properly.   Notify families of Grant & Aid Awards using template in FACTS.  Assist with Grant & Aid award notifications.   Assign plans to reenrollment and apply transactions.
MayIf new students are added after the initial roll over, please email ar@stjfs.org to let them know. Be sure to include family name, tuition amount, any credits/discounts, and any proration information.   Double check rosters, payment plans, and grant and aid. STJFS will send a report with all students and agreements to double check accuracy.  Assign plans to reenrollment, apply transactions, and finalize agreements.   Ensure all payment plans are finalized, rosters are up to date and grant and aid is assigned correctly.
JuneNew year payments begin June/July.Ensure all payment plans are finalized, rosters are up to date and grant and aid is assigned correctly for payments to begin in July.